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About Us
For the university to become a house of expertise that contributes to building a knowledge society and promoting sustainable development locally, regionally and internationally.
Producing scientific knowledge affecting society, by supporting integrated, discreet scientific research, and providing scientific consultations and training courses, to contribute to the progress and advancement of human kind.
More About Us
- Increasing the number of high-quality produced research by 30% annually.
- Building value-added research and advisory teams by 2026.
- Increasing the number of beneficiaries of training courses by 50% annually..
- Increasing the number of beneficiaries from participating in conferences and seminars by 30% annually
- Honesty
- Integrity
- Respect
- Credibility
- Transparency
- Objectivity
- Academic freedom
- Directing research efforts towards benefiting the community.
- Non-interference and influence in the conduct and results of scientific research.
- Providing consultations that do not contradict the values and customs of society.
- Respect intellectual property rights.
- Teamwork.
- Independence.

The Vice Rector’s word
Vice Rector for Research, Consulting and Training Affairs

Welcome to the website of the Research and Consulting Affairs at the Libyan International Medical University. On this website, we have tried to provide visitors and researchers from inside and outside the university with a glimpse of the nature of the Research and Consulting Affairs work in addition to the various scientific services it provides, foremost of which is certainly the scientific research support. It is an important and indispensable element in the production of knowledge that contributes to the development and progress of nations and people.
Within its plans to develop work within it, the Research and Consulting Affairs has sought to move away from that traditional technique in producing scientific research based on quantity and unstudied diversity. Accordingly, it has begun to develop mechanisms and goals for scientific research within the university, and work to produce integrated knowledge that contributes to a clearer understanding of many surrounding phenomena surrounding us in all its dimensions, finding effective solutions to it, and creating a state of accumulation of knowledge within the university. This will qualify it over time to become a position of expertise at national, regional and international levels; Therefore, many projects have been adopted, foremost of which are "research teams", where the Research and Consulting Affairs seeks, through the expertise available in these teams, and the diverse scientific backgrounds of its members, to bring about the desired scientific addition to the community, in addition to defining "priorities for scientific research" and developing "electronic systems in the Research and Consulting Affair’s operations" to include this development, in addition to the main operations of Consulting.
The Research and Consulting Affairs has been keen not to monopolize knowledge and seek to disseminate it through the advisory services it provides through qualified human cadres in various fields, in addition to training courses that aim to develop human capital. It has also developed its electronic services that allow researchers from outside the university to benefit from research capabilities of the Libyan International Medical University and conducting research within it, which contributes to the final outcome in the advancement of society.
In conclusion, I want to welcome you and let you know that you are always welcomed to contact us with inquiries or comments Thank youDr. Salma A. Bukhatwa
Vice Rector for Research and Consulting Affairs