Home » Ethics committees
Ethics committees
Research Ethics Committee
Committee Responsibilities
- Proposing policies for the work of research ethics committees.
- Establish regulations governing the operations of university ethics committees.
- Develop and regularly review the university’s research ethics code.
- Set criteria for granting ethical approvals at the university.
- Participate in implementing the strategic plan projects of the Center of Excellence for Research and Consulting, as it relates to the committee’s work.
- Monitor and evaluate the work of subcommittees, including the bioethics subcommittee .
- Review and evaluate the ethical practices of research at the university.
- Organize educational activities and scientific seminars on research ethics.
- Publish research papers in the field of research ethics.
- Contribute to the completion of tasks related to the implementation of a business process management system.
Committee Chairman and Members
To obtain the ethical approval form, click here

Prof. Rafik Elmehdawi

Prof. Najib Elhassadi

Dr. Mervet Elzuki

Dr. Ahmed Bujelawi

Dr. Ashraf AlQadhafi

Dr. Ahmed Elojeli

Dr. Ismail Adam

Dr. Abeir Elmogassabi

Dr. Tarek Nagem

Dr. Mohammed Benseleem

Dr. Khaled Alrafadi

Dr. Mohammed Alkilani

Mr. Mosaab Elbargathi
Committee Rapporteur
Bioethics Subcommittee
The committee is concerned with reviewing requests for ethical approvals for biological research submitted by the Research and Consulting Center at the university, granting approvals to whoever fills out the data of the forms specifically prepared for that, and referring requests for ethics related to genetic research or those that have problems and conflicts of interest, or that cover the national level to the National Committee for Safety. It also specializes in preparing forms for approvals and bioethics controls based on the models and controls issued locally, regionally and internationally, and technical coordination with the National Biosafety and Bioethics Committee regarding its work.
Committee Chairman and Members

Prof. Abdulrahman Elgallal

Dr. Ezeddin Salem Gassar

Mis. Elaf Etwailbelaf etwailb (From your Google Contacts)
elaf etwailb (From your Google Contacts)
Committee documents and forms
- Research Protocol Form for Modification and ethical approval extension
- Document of Ethical Approval Procedures
- Document of Biological Ethics Guidelines
- Curriculum Vitae Form Submitted with Ethical Approval Application Form
- Ethical Approval Application Form for Animal Research only
- Informed Consent Form for Conducting Research or Scientific Study on a Voluntary Participant
- The Committee grants Committee 6 a national code symbolizing the university for its use in the standardized numbering of ethical approvals.
- Ethical Approval Form for Conducting Human Research.